Financial Trend Analysis – Why You Need It
By: Michael Flerchinger, CPA As a rancher or farmer, it is important for your operation to monitor trends. You monitor trends in the weather, the size of calves a certain bull will produce, input prices such as feed, prices of fuel, and the list continues....
Watch Out for the Wash Sale Rule
If you’ve cashed in some big gains this year, consider looking for unrealized losses in your portfolio and selling those investments before year end to offset your gains. This can reduce your 2014 tax liability. But if you want to minimize the impact on your asset...
Is Your Business Ready for “Play-or-Pay”?
If you’re a “large” employer, time is running out to prepare for the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) shared responsibility provision, commonly referred to as “play-or-pay.” It’s scheduled to go into effect in 2015. Under transitional relief the IRS issued earlier...
How to Protect Yourself From Underpayment Penalties
You can be subject to penalties if you don’t pay enough tax during the year through estimated tax payments and withholding. Here are some strategies to protect yourself: Know the minimum payment rules. Your estimated payments and withholding must equal at least 90%...
Careful Tax Planning Critical for RSUs — And Other Stock-based Compensation
If you’re an executive or other key employee, you might be compensated with more than just salary, fringe benefits and bonuses: You might also be awarded stock-based compensation, such as restricted stock or stock options. Another form that’s becoming more common...
Books, Stickers, Popsicles, and Hope
By: Jennifer Deroin The Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley in Ontario, OR represents hope and opportunity for a lot of youth in the community. That’s why The Nichols Accounting Group selected their organization for their Community Giving Day. The...
Nichols Accounting 2014 Summer Employee Appreciation Day
The Vision, Communication, Bingo, Recognition, Food, Community Service, Dream Boards, and More! Number Games from The Nichols Accounting Group P.C on Vimeo. Ryan is real good at paper airplanes. WINNER of the paper airplane challenge, recipient of $50 and one...
High Cattle Prices and Tax Planning Considerations
By: Bob Kemble, CPA Having too much income in one year is a good problem to have, as long as you have an operating plan and cash flow budget. If you have no plan, then it’s sadly an opportunity wasted. Many cattle related operations will have excess income...
Work-Life Balance? Not Likely & Here’s Why
By: Jennifer Deroin Here at the firm, we deal with periods of intense seasonality in our work. We're always busy, but some events (tax deadlines) demand much more of our time. That, coupled with the pace of business and life in general today, often bring about...