Home Office Deduction – Audit Trigger?
An excerpt from the Five-Minute Tax Briefing from Thomson Reuters Although many taxpayers avoid claiming a home office deduction for fear it will trigger an audit, an IRS tax tip summarizes the qualification rules. Generally to claim a deduction, the taxpayer must...
Don’t Say the “S” Word – and other things your momma taught you
When you were little, you probably got your mouth washed out with soap if you used naughty words. In my new position as the Director of Business Development at an accounting firm, I had suds on my taste buds for my first few weeks (perhaps months). I was always...
Running a Small Business From Your Phone
Infographic of 13 Business Apps for the busy entrepreneur, from
Oregon Estate Transfer Tax
Starting with a date of death on or after January 1, 2012, the Oregon Estate Transfer Tax replaces the Oregon Inheritance Tax. The following is an explanation of some of the major changes. Change in Tax Computations The new law modifies the computation of tax with...
Protected: Professional Partner Newsletter
What Drives Your Clients to Refer New Clients to You? For any professional services provider, the value of an “A” client referral is significant. In industries where we commonly receive referrals from clients, we have a tendency to assume the following; Clients...
Enhanced Charitable Deduction
The enhanced charitable deduction is for inventory or stock in trade donated for the benefit of the ill, the needy, or infants and is generally only available to C-corporations. However, Congress extended the enhanced deduction to all business entities for the...
How the American Taxpayer Relief Impacts you as an Individual
Although Congress averted many of the consequences of a possible tumble over the fiscal cliff with last-minute action, we would like you to be aware of the impact of the bill that was passed — known as the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 — signed into law Jan....
Taxpayers Filing Delayed Forms get Late-payment Penalty Relief
On Wednesday, the IRS announced that it will waive the penalty normally assessed for late payment of income tax, for taxpayers who have requested an extension of time to file their return and who are filing one of the 31 forms that were delayed until March because...
The 3.8% Medicare Surtax and the Case for Non-Deductible IRA Contributions
Click Here to read the Nerd's Eye View Blog regarding strategies for reducing the 3.8% Medicare Surtax...