Who Needs Estate Planning Anyway?
Tax time is an excellent occasion to review one’s estate planning, business planning, and business succession planning. Have things changed to the point that warrants a professional review of these matters with your CPA, Lawyer, and other financial and...
Protein Nutrition for Beef Cows
March 2013 Newsletter from Over the Wire, University of Idaho Protein Nutrition for Beef...
Water – The Life Blood of Our Valley
In thinking of something to express, there are a myriad of things going on. Economic development is an issue in the State and in Malheur County, PERS reform, and the list goes on. But in my mind, one of the most significant issues in our area year after year – is...
Trusts 101
Trusts have been around since the days of the crusaders. Once available and used only by the very wealthy, they have become a standard tool in estate planning. Trusts come in every shape, size and flavor, from providing for special needs to protecting assets for...
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
Asset Based Investing Inside a 401K
The Korelin Economic Report is a national internet radio show focused exclusively on asset based investing, and can be found at Bob Kemble, Shareholder and CPA from The Nichols Accounting Group, was interviewed recently to share how we’ve...
2013 Tax Tables/Inflation Adjustments
Tax tables, other inflation adjustments, issued for 2013