What Makes a Good Life?
Based Upon Harvard Business School's Study of the Same Name People continually search for happiness in a variety of places, and through a variety of ways. If you ask many millennials today “What makes a good life?”, a good majority will include riches and fame. ...
Get More Bang for Your Buck With Tax Favored Employee Benefits
2016 ushers in a few changes to the tax laws that govern benefits, as the IRS recently laid out in its annual "Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits." The document features important clarifications, not just identifying which benefits are and aren't tax-exempt to employees,...
Gentle Giant, Loud Bikes, Surprising Ink
Staff Spotlight on Anton Neff, CPA By: Jennifer Deroin Anton Neff joined The Nichols Accounting Group as a Staff Accountant in 2013 after transitioning from a large accounting firm. He grew up in Quincy, Washington, (population 6500) and finished his degree at...
The New ACA Forms, Simply Defined
Receiving some new tax forms in the mail, and you're not sure what they are? The following is a brief overview of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) forms that individuals will be receiving this year. 1) 1095-A: Is sent by the government exchange to individuals if...
An Office Story, 2015 Nichols’ Christmas Video
We want to thank you, our clients and friends for a wonderful 2015. As the year draws to a close, we chose to celebrate you, with gifts to those in need around our community, in your honor. The theme of our video this year is [typography font="Playfair...
Fishing For a Successor
Guest Author Jon Bauer, Attorney Hawley Troxell Most business owners aren’t just in it for the money. Some love their industry. Many find satisfaction in providing jobs or simply helping their clients. Other’s feel their business provides a valuable service or...
Save Tax — or at least defer it — By Carefully Timing Business Income and Expenses
The first step to smart timing is to project your business’s income and expenses for 2015 and 2016. With this information in hand, you can determine the best year-end timing strategy for to save tax when possible. If you expect to be in the same or lower tax...
Protect Your Deduction
Verify that a charity is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions before you donate. Donations to qualified charities are generally fully deductible, and they may be the easiest deductible expense to time to your tax advantage. After all, you control...
Drought Stricken Farmers and Ranchers Have More Time to Replace Livestock
Farmers and ranchers who previously were forced to sell livestock due to drought, like the drought currently affecting much of the nation, have an extended period of time in which to replace the livestock and defer tax on any gains from the forced sales, the...