By: Jennifer Deroin, The Nichols Accounting Group
Red Angus, February 2014 Edition
New Years Resolutions. Most people make them with good intentions, and then life happens. Goal setting and follow-through is a discipline and a commitment. It’s February; how are you resolutions faring? We often work with business owners helping them identify and execute business and personal wealth objectives. The truth is most people know what they need to do, but the issue is execution. Daily life consumes us, fires need attention, and our “big picture” priorities take a back seat, keeping us “stuck.”
Getting “Unstuck”
One of the best ways to create goals that are likely to stick is to begin with a narrative description of what the goal looks like once it’s accomplished. Write your ideas about the future from the standpoint that you’re already there – you’ve already accomplished whatever it is. A one- to three-year perspective is typically an appropriate time range to “look” into the future. Now think to yourself; how do I feel? What does it look like? Why is it important to me? Who does it include? Your written vision should include your business, personal and financial goals. When you write it, don’t worry about how you’re going to accomplish these things. Simply write what you want to accomplish.
Now Comes the “How”
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