When Your Fearless Leader is 350 in Dog Years, You Should
- Throw two office parties for him.
- Find fun old photos and share them with everyone.
- Play some fun, harmless pranks.
- Decorate in black. A lot of black.
- NOT throw them a public party, as they refuse to participate in said activity.
- Share some fun facts about them.
Fun Facts About Bob, According to His Real Family
- Bob ran a marathon.
- Bob never forgets a name or face of a person he’s met.
- Bob’s favorite movie is Dances With Wolves.
- Bob has a bit of podcast obsession. Bonus Fact: Do not bring up Netflix – he is not having it.
- Bob loves pecan pie.
- Bob is a great cook. Bonus Fact: He also cans – as in, “food preservation”.
- Bob loves hunting, fishing, and working on their family’s hobby farm.
- Bob’s favorite camping spot is the Imnaha.
- Bob worked at McDonald’s in high school.
- Bob joined the Marines at 17 in 1987. Bonus fact: He served in Desert Storm.
Fun Facts About Bob, According to His Work Family
- Bob is the office’s official barbecue chef.
- Bob is the heart of our team and the office social butterfly. He’s always checking in on people to make sure they’re ok.
- Bob wears a lot of hats: CEO, janitor, chef, marriage counselor, therapist, repair man, electrician, and friend.
- Bob has logged the most hours for the Firm between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. (mostly as an incentive to go fishing during the day).
- Bob has caught the most fish during work hours and prepared the most meals for staff.
- Bob aspires to “inspire unity” at work and once helped a co-worker on a sheep hunt at the expense of forgetting his wife’s birthday (sorry Wendy).
- Bob always appreciates a good joke, here’s a few of our favorites:
- Placing “fake coffee spills” around the office.
- Official “Doug Lamm Harasser” for spilling food and drinks on his clothing.
- “Pancake”*
- Expert Rubber-band Shooter.
- He sold his boat and “accidentally” dumped the potential owner’s son in the Snake River. They still bought the boat – a testament to Bob’s good nature.
*Pancake might not be blog appropriate, but you may certainly ask Bob when you see him.
And in All Seriousness
Bob, we appreciate you and wish you a wonderful 50th anniversary of the date of your birth! You are a leader and friend to us. May you be blessed abundantly on your special day, and for many years to come. Thank you for all that you do.